Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mystery, Babylon The Great, The mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth - Part 1

No.1 Article of 2010 Tax Brackets

My title for this series of articles is from Revelation 17:5 where it states loud and clear in block capitals - Mystery, Babylon The Great, The mother Of Harlots Or mother Of Whores And Abominations Of The Earth. This statement, like most of the Book of Revelation, needs explanation, because it is Biblical symbolism in its most potent form, especially the above mentioned verse. Rest assured, though, the Lord Jesus Christ is not leaving anyone secret or unanswered here, for it is all very straight forward. At the same time it is also unambiguously simple to understand once you know what the symbols represent.

First off we have a "Mystery" and then a strangeness that is "Babylon the Great" so what was/is this 'mystery' and what is so great about Babylon? Babylon was a city - a great city that came to prominence colse to 640 Bc and grew to become, like Rome that came into being later in history, an all conquering empire - The Babylonian Empire. The thing is, what has this aged Mesopotamian city and empire, which ceased to exist in a corporal sense after it was invaded and destroyed by the Persians in 538 Bc, got to do with us in the year 2010? in fact nothing I can hear some of you say, but would that be correct? If it is accurate why is Babylon's name included in a book of unfulfilled prophecy in the Holy Scriptures known as The Book of Revelation? Most of the events in Revelation are yet to occur, so if it's of minuscule significance why is it mentioned and why did the translators of the King James Bible put this verse in block capitals? They obviously plan it was of great importance, but why? Easy, they were more switched on to The Truth about the world in which they lived, than our techno bubble, cognitive dissonant, dumbed down, secular 'civilised', complacent and Spiritually blind community of the 21st century. These same translators also knew and understood these verses too:

2010 Tax Brackets

Rev 14:8 And there followed someone else angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath (passion) of her fornication (idolatry and wickedness or Devil worship).

Mystery, Babylon The Great, The mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth - Part 1

Rev 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird(All brackets mine).

Here we can see this future Babylonian Empire is going to fall and fail because she will make All nations, not some nations, but all nations, drink the wine of her wicked passions, her passions for doing nothing but evil, continually. Notice, too, in Rev 18:2 the demons (Satan's servants) finally completely take her over and she becomes a cage or habitation of vultures (hateful birds) of every description. This is symbolism for demon possessed people.

Ok, we can now see that this modern Babylonian Empire, likened to a great city, will highlight big time in the last days of the last days, but what about today, we all live now in 2010 and there's no geographical Babylon on any map of the world that I know of, so what gives? I will tell you what gives - a Mystery, that's what gives. So what is this mystery? This strangeness is a spiritual mystery. The strangeness is how the spirit of an aged Mesopotamian civilisation and the way the citizen of that civilisation lived still affects us and how we live today. How their ruthless power structures, their commercial activities, their evil corrupt systems of governance, their demonic religious foundations and satanic ways of living have been carried down, continuously without a break, straight through the centuries to us in the 21st century. How do I know all this, straight through God's Holy word that's how so please stay with it and I will explain?

Babylon was an empirical/commercial/political/religious community based upon the ways of the Devil - mysticism, religion, sorceries, witchcraft, the occult, astrology, philosophy, you name it, they did it, they knew every trick in the book. This city and empire, as a civilisation, was the epitome of evil and rebelliousness against God, which included their rebellious kings and rulers. Hence we have that part of their title - Abominations of The Earth. Babylon gets its name from Babel where man built the tower in order to reach heaven in order to compete with God so was just someone else abomination and act of rebellion on the part of determined citizen against God.

Now we move on to the matter of gender in this title. Babylon is the mother of Harlots, not the Father of Harlots, why is that? It's like that because this whole thing is about churches - churches defined symbolically as feminine. The real True Church or Church of God is feminine- The Bride of the Lamb:

Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

The real Church is known as the Bride of Christ and it is otherwise known as a group of citizen called The Elect or in the Greek The Ekklesia or those Called and Chosen - The Saints. The real Church is a group of citizen who follow The Way and The Way is The Lord Jesus Christ, no one else. The real Church is not an organisation, nor is it an institution and it is in fact not a division, or a denomination (demon-ination). It is not a building, it is not a cult, and it is most definitely not a religion or a religious body or what I now understand to be the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion.

This means that any other 'church' is a counterfeit church, hence it is portrayed as the opposite of the chaste virgin Church arrayed in fine and pure white linen - a Church of Righteousness (justice). This opposite unjust or opposing 'church' is feminine too, and is the opposite of chaste virginity, so can only be one thing - a harlot or a whore or worse, a mother of Harlots or mother of Whores. We must also understand that this mother of Harlots is not just a religious representation, but also an imperial commercial and political representation as well for this Whore rides a Beast. In doing so it combines all three things, because it's all about absolute power straight through the monopoly of wealth via banking and commerce, and thereby world domination. This topic of absolute commercial, financial, political power and straight through it global domination is that which has now brought us full circle back to the beginning, so our next stop, therefore, will be aged Babylon under the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar, circa 600 Bc, who also had complete and absolute power, political, commercial and spiritual.

Now before I finish the first part of this series I will sum up what I have covered thus far, so let's have someone else quick look at the title. First we have a strangeness that is Babylon the Great, the details of which I will be revealing in the articles that follow. In turn, this Babylon the Great is a mother of Whores or mother of Harlots, representing a counterfeit money making church that rides on the back of a political, financial, commercial system, plus her offspring the equally counterfeit tax registered 501C3 denominations which I call Demon-inations (In The Uk they are known as Registered Charities). These are 'churches' that have sold out to Baal straight through registering. Finally, all these so called churches and their activities add up to a total representation, a representation that The Lord Jesus Christ calls the Abominations of the Earth, due to its vile hypocrisy, rottenness and corruption.

I will end this first article here as it takes the form of an introduction for the series to follow, so I hope I have whetted your appetite for my next article.

Mystery, Babylon The Great, The mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth - Part 1

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