Monday, July 16, 2012

Bullet train from Beijing to Moscow

#The Best Bullet train from Beijing to Moscow.

Good VDO of Bullet train from Beijing to Moscow

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American Indians believe you should not sell the land. I agree. Private ownership of land is destroying our economy by creating real estate bubbles. The banks caused our economic Colapse, not the union, not China. Nationalize the banks. No tariffs against the workers in China. China will survive the comming world economic collpase of Europe and the US, because China has an economy based on workers making THINGS. Like Germany, China's economy is now based mainly on solar power. Trains, housing, solar cells, tables, computers, growing vegetables, making glass, growing cotton. Things they can use or sell. China is now #2 in the world at making quality SOLAR cells. China is now building more solar powered apartment buildings than any country in the world. China is trying to avoid using dirty coal by leaping ahead building solar panels. China and Russia will strengthen their comprehensive strategic partnership, which is completely in the interests of the two countries, foreign ministers from both sides said on Thursday. The frequent high-level exchanges will further facilitate China-Russia ties in politics, the economy and culture, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov started his visit to China on Thursday to make preparations for newly-elected President Vladimir Putin's upcoming trip to China, and attend a meeting of foreign ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi called for more coordination between the two countries to ...
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