Saturday, July 14, 2012

Successful Investing In Property Strategies: Get The Finance Right

1# Successful Investing In Property Strategies: Get The Finance Right.

VDO of Successful Investing In Property Strategies: Get The Finance Right

Successful Investing In Property Strategies: Get The Finance Right Tube. Duration : 3.23 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 2012 Income Tax Brackets. holds a whole swag of commonsense 'investing in property' advice and tips from Citrine Property Investors Managing Director, Ralph Rintoule. Here's an excerpt of what Ralph talks about in this video "When investing in property, the most important thing is not the property itself, but the finance. Unless the finance is in order it's not worth going into the property, because you'll lock yourself up, you'll have no room to move, and the questions you have to ask yourself are: Can I afford it? Are you doing it for the right reasons? It shouldn't interfere with your lifestyle. It's very important to remember that - it has to be. If you're going to go into a negatively geared property, and people always sell positively geared properties, any property can be positively geared if you put enough money into it. But there are opportunities to get positively geared properties which are rarer to get. Once that is established, you should look at your finances and perhaps consolidate some of your debts. Perhaps you think you can afford it but you can't. You must ensure your budget is checked so that you can afford it. You also have to be aware that when you buy the investment property, it needs to be in a separate split. You have your house and land, or if you're a first home buyer, then you have the split. The tax office will want to see a complete separation between the investment property, and to know that you're not using it to pay the bills and other ...
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