Green Rush to Finance Solar
Environmental & Economic Benefits
Green Rush to Finance Solar
The "green gold rush" is on. Global speculation in renewable energy surged some 60 percent, to 8 billion last year. speculation in clean energy from wind, solar and biofuels rose three times faster in 2007 than startling by the Un Environmental Program, with wind power attracting .2 billion, a third of all clean energy investments. speculation in solar energy soared by 254 percent to .6 billion last year. This "green gold rush" is propelled by the soaring fossil-fuel prices, and concerns over carbon dioxide emissions that fuel global warming.
The world is at an undeniable crossroad. Projections show three to four times more electrical power could be required over the next 50 years to maintain continued growth in population and economic output. Clean, renewable sources are the answer. "Unlike other major energy transitions, such as wood-to-coal and coal-to-oil, enchanting from oil to alternatives will be forced and rapid," writes Charles Cresson Wood, President of Post-Petroleum Transportation, a consulting firm.
The Cost of accepted Energy
In the last six years, uranium prices have moved from a pound to a pound. Coal has moved from a ton delivered at the plant to a ton, and natural gas has gone from per million Btus to per million Btus. Oil went from a barrel to 5 a barrel.
As these dirty energy resources become more costly, so follows the delivered price of electricity jumping by 70 percent in the last six years in New Jersey and many other states. All analysts expect continued increases in electricity costs.
Americans Want Solar
94% of Americans say it's prominent for the U.S. To create and use solar energy. 72% favor postponement of Federal tax earnings for renewable technologies, and 77% of Americans want the government to make solar power improvement a national priority, according to the independent polling firm, Kelton Research, June 10, 2008. "These results are an undeniable signal to our elected leaders that Americans want job-creating solar power, now," said Rhone Resch, President of the Solar energy Industries association (Seia).
"Solar improvement means job growth for Americans, by Americans, in an commerce that will benefit America," said Dr. Gerald Fine, President & Ceo of Schott North America. "Rather than rely on foreign sources for fuel, the U.S. Can aspire to become the world's leader in clean energy."
General Electric, with a goal of investing billion in renewable energy by 2010, already surpassed the billion mark this July. Ge says that within two years, renewable energy will make up roughly a quarter of its total investments in energy, up from 10% in 2006. speculation banks Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs all plan to take benefit of global interest in renewable investments. Meanwhile, Nymex, the New York-based stock exchange, recently formed a consortium of financial institutions to initiate a Green exchange to trade Renewable energy Credits.
The market Speaks: Renewable energy Finance Forum Wall Street
Over 600 senior executives attended the 5th each year Renewable energy Finance Forum (Reff) held this June in New York City. "Each year, we have increasingly seen financial leaders on Wall road identify renewable energy companies as an prominent growth sector for the Us economy," said Michael Eckhart, President of the American Council On Renewable energy (Acore) who hosted the forum along with Euromoney energy Events. "This new reality has helped initiate renewable energy investing into mainstream financial arenas and continues to drive the momentum of the industry," said Eckhart.
Top analysts forecasted the industry's inherent in the Us, for solar power, wind power and bio-fuels. Speakers also drew attentiveness to wavering political issues threatening the viability of renewable developments as Congress currently debates the postponement of indispensable speculation catalysts like the speculation Tax prestige and the yield Tax Credit.
"Wall road has shown us that the full military of American innovation are ready to be deployed to meet our energy challenges. If government leaders can supply a garage long-term climate for investment, the renewable energy sector will see unprecedented growth, providing full, economic opportunities and environmental benefits," said John Geesman, Co-Chair of the Acore Board of Directors and previous Calif. Secretary of Energy.
Ge Financial Services and Acore released a report at the Reff weighing the long-term economic impact of wind improvement with the up-front cost of the yield tax credit. The report found that the net present value of 2007 Us wind improvement is worth 0 million more than the price tag for the tax credits, which was about billion last year. according to the report, the tax prestige pays for itself because of tax earnings received from wind projects, laborer wages and other taxes. Once the Ptc and Itc issues are behind the industry, the next big battle on Capitol Hill will be over a carbon-weighted procedure like cap and trade, according to presenters.
"We naturally need more energy. We're not waiting colse to for governments to craft the exquisite policies," said Vivienne Cox, menagerial Vice President of Bp's alternative energy business. "This is an prominent market, and we're going to build a business colse to it."
The Us is currently the world's fourth-largest solar power market after Germany, Japan and Spain. Japan is aiming for 30 percent of all its homes to have solar panels installed by 2030, bringing the whole of installations to 14 million, according to Kyodo News. Japanese solar panel manufacturers, which contain Sharp, account for half of the world yield of solar power equipment.
Grid Parity
Grid Parity is the point at which Photovoltaic (Pv) electricity costs the same or less than power derived from the electrical grid. Pv Grid Parity is startling beginning 2012 in places where sunshine is plentiful, and 2018 in areas of the world with medium sun exposure, according to a study in June from iSupply Corp., an electronics commerce diagnosis company.
Worldwide investments in the yield of Pv cells will rise to the same level as those for semiconductor manufacturing by 2010, due to booming query for solar energy. Each Pv premise will wish an speculation of 0 million or more, employ as many as 1,000 workers per site and generate each year earnings of billion per year or more.
By 2010, as many as 400 yield lines in the world that can furnish at least 1 Megawatt (Mw) of Pv cells per year, will be in place, representing a four-fold growth in yield lines from 2007. Factories capable of 1 Gigawatt (Gw) of each year Pv yield will also be established in the future, to ensure continued strong delivery of Pv cells to the market. Pv cell yield will become economy over time, with cell makers Q-Cells, Ag, and Rec Group expecting a discount in Pv theory costs of 40 percent by 2010.
Tom Werner, chief menagerial of SunPower Corp., the largest North American solar panel manufacturer, sees Grid Parity for solar power in the Us and elsewhere happening in about five years, or perhaps as soon as 2010. "That's in effect more aggressive than what we would say previously, and that's because the cost of electricity is going up faster than we had ever modeled," Werner said at the Reuters Global energy Summit this past June.
Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd., one of the largest of a growing whole of Chinese solar companies, sees the same five-year timeline, thanks to expanding supplies of silicon that will help drive down costs.
The end of polysilicon shortages could cause Pv costs to drop in half. "It takes about two or three years to add capacity," says Travis Bradford, an commerce investigator for the Prometheus Institute. The shortage has been severe sufficient to drive up silicon prices to more than 10 times normal levels, to 0 a kilogram, adds Ted Sullivan, an investigator at Lux Research.
The business Case For Solar Now
Right now, in New Jersey, the midpoint kilowatt of electricity is being sold to residents at the rate of 18 cents kwhr. If you buy a 5 kw solar Pv theory for ,000 that could generate about 8,000 kilowatts a year, and could in effect last for 30 years (panels often carry a 25 year manufacturer's warranty), your theory would generate about 192,000 kilowatt hours over the 30 years, after subtracting 20% for rated age. Now, if you take the 192,000 kilowatt hours and divide it by ,000, then each kilowatt costs you about 15 cents. Would you rather pay for your own clean, renewable energy system, that carries a 25 year warranty, or buy dirty electricity coming from coal, nuclear or oil sources, at the rate of 18 cents?
I asked energy analyst, Charles Cresson Wood, if he thinks the price of solar electricity is at Grid Parity now with accepted electricity, when analyzed over 25 years, the typical warranty duration of today's solar panels. He replied, "When one realistically considers the trajectory of the costs for fossil fuels, then solar, wind and other renewables are less high-priced over a time frame such as that which you mention." The diagnosis is based on investigate done for his book Kicking The Gasoline & Petro-Diesel Habit.
Solar Is A great Choice
Energy advisor Jim Harding estimates the operating cost per kilowatt-hour for a new nuclear plant will be in the region of 30 cents for its first dozen years, only dropping to 18 cents after building costs are paid down. With distributed solar at the low end of this bracket and dropping, and with concentrated solar and wind power estimated at 14 cents per kilowatt-hour, energy companies are backing away from their proposals for new nuclear facilities. Of the seventeen currently in the planning stage, Moody's Investor assistance only expects one or two to be on line by 2015.
Cap-And-Trade System
A cap-and-trade provision would make it costlier to emit carbon into the climate and discourage the burning of fossil fuels. The economics of solar and other cleaner energy sources would be even more competitive.
According to Amory Lovins, physicist and author, reducing carbon emissions would be economy and safer if nuclear was rejected in favor of alternatives that are sustainable. Investing in the nuclear choice would suck up capital that would be spent more cost-effectively on renewable energy, efficiency and conservation. In contrast to the vast money pit required by nukes, every dollar invested in energy efficiency programs returns three dollars in electricity savings to utility customers.
While debates on disposal of radioactive waste, vulnerability to terrorist attacks, and large-scale use of fresh water required to run nuclear plants continue, it's tough to argue with the numbers. If the deliberate upon is in the middle of a clean, renewable source such as solar, which can reach utility scale in some parts of the country, and a more high-priced form of power that Wall road investors won't even touch, then the nuclear defenders may be running out of arguments. The bottom line is that nuclear costs two to 10 times more than its clean competitors.
Incentives For Renewables
There is not yet a national schedule in place, except for a 30% speculation Tax prestige (Itc) minute to a maximum of ,000 for homeowners, with no limit for business. This applies to both solar Pv and domestic solar hot water systems. The Itc will expire at the end of 2008, unless Congress passes an extension, which it is slated to do, by many political analysts.
Currently 25 states offer discrete incentives for homes and businesses. In New York, a rebate of roughly 50% is available for a solar Pv system. New Jersey's incentive schedule is going through a transition after contribution an midpoint of 60% rebates for the past seven years.
The plan is to move into a performance-based incentive, called the Solar Renewable energy Certificates (Srecs), which pays the solar Pv theory owner annually based on the whole of kilowatts produced by the system. A residential rebate of .00 per watt for solar Pv systems, beginning in 2009 till 2012 with incremental decreases is planned. That rebate would be close to 40% of the theory cost.
For detailed information on specific state rebates, visit the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency.
Power buy Agreements & Leases
The use of Power buy Agreements (Ppas) and similar leasing instruments to finance residential and market solar power installations is taking off. The market solar Ppa market has already been active in California and New Jersey.
The Atlantic City institution town has awarded Pepco energy Services, a 20-year Ppa to install one of the largest particular roof-mounted solar arrays in the Us. Under the 20-year contract, Pepco will build, own, operate and avow the 2.36-Megawatt solar array for the institution Center. building is planned for completion by December 31, 2008. Jeanne Fox, President of the New Jersey Board of group Utilities states, "This is an example of the kind of initiatives we hope to see as we transition to the sale or trade of Srecs to pay for solar projects."
Last year, half of all the market solar installs in the Us were Ppas, and this year that whole is running in the middle of 60 and 80 percent, according to Jon Guice, researcher at AltaTerra, in Palo Alto, Ca, a green energy consultancy group.
Sun Run, one of the first Ppa-based residential distributed power companies in California, offers a thorough agreement providing electricity at 13.5 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for 18 years, according to Nat Kreamer, Sun Run's Ceo. "If you do a 30-year look-back, residential electricity rates in California have risen an midpoint of 6.7 percent per year," he says. They offer discrete up-front cost options, so that an increased cost would result in delivered electricity decreases.
"We found the sweet spot for customers is up to ,000 for prepayment, and that they want flexible options for reassigning the covenant when they move, and not a big buy-out at the end," Kreamer says. "At the end of the term, customers can renew their contracts for a year at a time, or buy out the theory at a fraction of the installed cost."
Another form of financing for residential solar systems that requires less or no up-front payments, is leasing. David Arfin, vice president of customer financing at Solar City of nurture City, Ca states that, "The big contrast is with a lease: there is no money down, and in most cases homeowners are saving money from day one." Solar City leases typically run for 15 years, after which time homeowners can buy the theory for 20 to 30 percent of the cost of the installed system. Leases can be extended for five-year increments.
"With a Ppa, the residential host agrees to pay for inevitable kWh produced on his or her roof, and they have a variable cost depending on what is produced and used. With our lease, there is a fixed cost every month, but they still get the benefits of anyone excess power is generated," said Arfin. "It's sort of like the contrast in the middle of leasing a car by the mile or by the week," he adds.
A Home Equity Line of prestige is the most profitable choice for credit-worthy Nj homeowners to finance a solar system. Their monthly loan cost will be comparable to the savings on their current electric bill. After factoring in rising electric rates and the Srecs, the homeowner can get extra earnings from their solar purchase.
The fact is, unless you own your own electric generating system, or have a set price agreement with a Ppa or Ppl, you are leasing your power from a utility business with no operate over its future cost.
Clean Power Finance has tools and loan products to make the buy of home solar power systems more affordable. Clean Power Finance tools support with completing the rebates, and match manifold funding options. Everything is done online.
The Borrower's Guide to Financing Solar energy Systems: A Federal overview provides information to support both lenders and consumers in financing solar electric and thermal systems, with descriptions of special mortgage programs for energy-efficient homes. The free brochure is online at
For Super Big Renewable & productive Ideas The Dept of energy will make up to billion dollars in loan warrant authority, available for projects employing energy efficiency, renewable energy and industrialized transmission and distribution technologies that constitute New or Significantly Improved Technologies. It's minute to 80% of total task Costs, and requires a non-refundable minimum application fee of ,750 to be considered.
Breaking news: Vice President Al Gore has begun a campaign that is so ambitious, it could be game-changing. He is enchanting our nation to furnish 100% of our electricity from renewable energy within 10 years. Al Gore noted, "To those who say 10 years is not sufficient time, I respectfully ask them to consider what the world's scientists are telling us about the risks we face if we don't act in 10 years."
To learn how you can get complex in the Solar solution, and energy efficiency, a procedure is being offered at Brookdale community College, in Lincroft, Nj on Tuesday nights from 7-9pm Sept. 23 through Oct. 7, 2008 and again in January 2009.For scheduling, call: 732-842-1900.
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