Thursday, June 28, 2012

Paul Ryan: Obama's Empty Promises Becoming Broken Promises

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Not in the past, I presented the story. Useful. these days i'm happy to present Video on 2012 Tax Tables. i would like it to block my sisters. and the public. data that is useful. together with your friends. Paul Ryan: Obama's Empty Promises Becoming Broken Promises, which I even have seen this as an impressive contribution. VDO is the knowledge. The End. Judgment in the view. Paul Ryan: Obama's Empty Promises Becoming Broken Promises Tube. Duration : 3.65 Mins.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) appeared on Fox News' Fox and Friends on 2/8/11: Congressman Paul Ryan: We're used to this. This is what they do— the President and his party leaders' rhetoric obviously never match up with their agenda. We're going to put out another budget to save this country from a debt crisis. We want to get the economy growing by lifting the burden of debt off it. With respect to Medicare, let's just remember the plan that we put out—and we're going to be advancing more ideas as well—saves Medicare, strengthens Medicare. It doesn't change Medicare for people over the age of 55 and saves it for future generations from bankruptcy. That is opposed to the President's law, which puts 15 bureaucrats in charge of Medicare this year who are in charge of putting price controls on Medicare which leads to denied care for current seniors. So the President has a plan to raid and ration Medicare—still doesn't save it from bankruptcy, that's the law today. We get rid of the rationing, we stop raiding money from Medicare and we save it for not just this generation, but future generations and we make no changes for people age 55 and above. When the dust settles and the facts actually get out there, we think we'll be fine. More to the point, what's disturbing about this is the President, from early press reports, is again not going to put a solution on the table to save us from a debt crisis. The Democrats, we hear, aren't going to do a budget again ...
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