To fight with excess weight is one of the oldest "women's sport". Especially this kind of sport is popular after holidays. And here we are now. Holidays passed and summer is arrival closer.
If you will see that your summer wardrobe sit tight on you don't hurry to turn it on bigger size clothes. The situation is quite corrigible. I would like to offer you the diet that helps you to get rid of 5kg (11lb) of excess weight while a week. The motivation is strong - size of your clothes must be not bigger than previous summer! Is not it nice to strike your friends and acquaintances that after all holidays and winter season you did not add any excess weight?! And this decision is the first step to ensue in weight loss. It will interrogate to make some efforts from you of procedure but they are worthy to do. Pointer of your scales will move to desired figures and after a week needed ensue will be achieved.
This certainly will cheer you up and you'll want to improve achieved results and may be to go further.
Diet will help your stomach to get accustomed to smaller estimate of food you need every day. It will decrease the whole quantity of consumed calories. Therefore after this diet it is easy to enunciate balanced feeding.
Yes, to lose of 5-7kg (11-15lb) excess weight one week is quite enough. The diet is very simple. Your food while these days is fruits and vegetables. But you must not overeat them also, 1.5kg (3lb) of them a day is enough.
What you can eat for a day?
-boiled vegetables
-mashed vegetables
-oranges and mandarins
-fruit all sorts (not dressed)
-fruit puree (without sugar)
The main rule is not to eat more than 1.5kg (3lb) of foodstuff a day. What can you drink? It is tea (green is preferable), coffee (without sugar) and mineral water.
To make best your appearance select fruits that suit to your skin. For dry skin it is ripe red fruits, for fat skin best have green sour-sweet fruits. For general skin suit both.
But it is not sufficient to eat little! Have a strong shower every morning to push the process better. After such a shower your blood will go freely straight through vessels. Shower makes you cheerful and draws you away from foodstuff. Thus your breakfast will be smaller than usual. May be cup of coffee will be enough. But don't forget to add some not fat milk to it not to harm your stomach. That is proved recipe I use myself.
Hot bath with few drops of aromatic oil draws your thoughts away from tasty foodstuff in the evening. It can be rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon, fir or other stuff that you like. You will switch to perception of fragrance that draws you away from food.
Don't lay in the bath without any movement. If your bath has hydro massage it is perfect. If not than try to do it yourself. Even straightforward massage can do miracle.
May be after 3-4 days you will be tired of fresh vegetables and fruits. Than begin to cook them! Don't be afraid to experiment. You may cook your day meal at once and divide it to portions. Remember the rule - not more than 1.5kg (3lb) of food a day. Vary assortment of vegetables. It may be:
-sweet pepper
It can be all things you like, all that suits you best.
There is other way to limit your quantum of meal - decrease the salt in your meal or don't salt it completely. The taste of meal will be a bit strange. You will eat not much in this case. But that is all you need!
Recipes of meal from vegetables and fruits I will show you in the next article.
7 days after this diet you will be pleasantly surprised. Compare your weight with those you had before. You will be glad to have such results.
And if you want to improve achieved results you must know how to select foodstuff for balanced feeding properly and how to cook them. Next report will be dedicated to this branch also.
Be healthy,
One Week Is adequate To Lose Weight
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