Thursday, August 2, 2012

President Obama's Proposed wage Tax Changes For 2011

No.1 Article of 2010 Tax Brackets

The 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts are proposed to convert according to President Obama's tax convert proposal. The White House estimates raising almost 0 billion over 10 years.

President Obama has proposed raising the top 2 tax brackets which affects most higher earnings Americans who make more than 0,000. according to this proposal the 35% top tax rate on earnings would growth to 39.6%, and the 33% tax rate would rise to 36%. Included in the proposal are new limits on itemized deductions.

2010 Tax Brackets

As to long-term capital gain which is currently at 15% the proposal includes changes as follows: the top rate on long-term capital gains, dividends would rise to 20% from 15%. according to President Obama most of these changes would affect upper-income Americans, described as families production more than 0,000.

President Obama's Proposed wage Tax Changes For 2011

Previously new laws were passed to phase out estate taxes over some years. In 2010 estate taxes would have been eliminated but as part of this new tax proposal there will be changes made to this new law. As proposed the federal estate-tax changes going into follow in 2010 would convert as follows: the basic federal estate-tax exemption is .5 million, and the top rate is 45%, excluding transfers in the middle of spouses which are tax-free. Currently estate taxes are to be eliminated for 2010 however, president's plan would extend the .5 million estate-tax exemption level into hereafter years, therefore would cancel out laws that were put in place to eliminate the the estate taxes. These taxes will only be eliminated for the year 2010.

the full report President Obama's Proposed wage Tax Changes For 2011

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